Regle texas holdem no limit

By Mark Zuckerberg

Limit Texas Hold’Em betting rules. In limit, or fixed-limit, Hold’Em, there are two bet sizes: The small bet, which is used preflop and on the flop. The big bet, which is used on the turn and river. The big blind is equal to the small bet. So, in a $2/$4 Limit Hold’Em game, the blinds are $1/$2.

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However, Limit Texas Hold'em can prove deceptive to less-skilled players. Some players believe that you can simply sit and call down the hands whenever you have pot odds, without taking much notice of your opponents. In fact, this is how a majority of Limit... No-Limit Texas Hold'Em Rules | Upswing Poker

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Poker Texas Hold'em No Limit. 498 likes. Texas Hold'em Poker No Limit is just one of the most exciting games ever

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